Local Executives Accept Award in International Design Competition
John Sweet, President & CEO, Ryan Gebauer, Product Development Engineer, and Joe Davis, Quality Assurance Manager, FMS Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, accepted an Award of Distinction in the Lawn & Garden/Off Highway Category of the 2022 Powder Metallurgy Design Excellence Awards Competition. The award was given for a spider dampener insert, part of a torque spider sub-assembly for ATV transmissions, made for TEAM Industries.
They accepted the award for their company at PowderMet2022: International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials in Portland, Oregon.
Powder metallurgy (PM) is an automated metalworking process that forms metal powders into precision components used in applications such as auto engines and transmissions, hardware, outdoor power, industrial machinery, sporting goods, defense, and firearms. More than 800 million pounds of PM parts are made annually in North America.
The competition is sponsored annually by the Metal Powder Industries Federation, an international trade association for the metal powder producing and consuming industries.